Saturday, January 12, 2013

Super Awkward Lunch And The First Day Of Class

So today was the first day of class. We’ll-first afternoon of class for me. I didn’t start class until 2:15-that is 1415. Ship time, gotta love it. However, I did wake up at 8:30. Just in time to miss breakfast (0700-0830 everyday). I really have to get some snackage for the times I miss breakfast. The group I’m planning to travel with in Hawaii is actually writing that into our schedules-trip to Walmart. In addition to a trip to the volcanoes and this really good BBQ place Keani referred us to (the Hawaiian girl).

                Erika, my roommate, and I just chilled for the first 2 hours-writing in our journals, updating blogs, sending emails, reading, etc. She’s super chill. She’s from Philly and goes to school at Michigan.

                I then met up at lunch with Abby and then we went to relax on the 6th deck. We originally had planned on getting some studying done since she was already assigned a lot of homework and I know I have a lot of reading coming up; however, our efforts were in vain. All we could talk about was how lucky we were and how beautiful the ocean was. We are currently planning times to force ourselves to study though I don’t know how well it is going to work. Luckily, as long as I pass the classes, they don’t count on my GPA.

                Today I had my WWII class and my Sino-American Relations class. I was worried about all the readings assigned for my WWII class, but the professor told us to just skim them and assigned a group of 3 each class day to summarize and critique the readings of the previous nights’ reading. All of the tests are going to be essays/discussions so it should be pretty easy, fun, and interesting. What is going to be REALLY interesting is my Sino-Americans Relations class considering I’m 1 of 3 out of probably 25 students that doesn’t speak Chinese. At least 15 of those are Chinese themselves and almost all of them have Chinese of Asian Studies as a major. To my credit, I was the only one who spoke Spanish outside of the guy from Peru (1 of the others who didn’t speak Chinese). The last girl who didn’t speak it has a French minor so all-in-all, we’re a pretty diverse bunch.

                There wasn’t much after that except for dinner, a seminar on the ocean, and training for working at the library.

It’s nice to start to settle into a routine and it feels like I’ve been here for longer than 3 days. I’m pleasantly surprised at how many people I recognize and know by name and how I already have some jokes with a couple of them.

“Roll tide” dude-name is Phil, in my WWII class. I’ll give him crap later about saying RTR to me, even though he’s from CU (Colorado University at Boulder- a good 10% of the students here are from there, with another 10% being from University of Virginia, another 10% being from Chapman University, and the other 70% being from everywhere else). Wow, major ramble….

Oh! Something funny/ super awkward from today! When Abby (who is exactly 1 month older than me we discovered) and I were sitting at lunch,  these other 2 people came up and sat with us. One of them was an Unreasonable Scholar (a new SAS program that I don’t really know what it’s about) invited us to a volunteer meeting and we didn’t really have anything else to do so we agreed. When we got there, it was just a couple of people around a table in one of the classrooms/sections of the dining hall. Apparently, it was just a meeting for the Unreasonable at Sea director (an Aussie) and some people she had hand-selected from the sign-up sheet the night before. Which the girl who invited us apparently didn’t know, considering she wasn’t even supposed to be there herself. We think the other guy (a German guy, I sat beside a British guy in my WWII class, too) had mentioned he was going to her and she thought she should go and that it was an open meeting so she invited us. SUPER awkward. Even more so when the lady started asking us about our passions and what we could do for her that would involve them. Something along those lines, we’re not really sure. I don’t know what happened at all in the meeting and now we’re avoiding the German guy which is super hard on a small ship.

The ship seems so small when you’re trying to avoid somebody, yet so big when you’re trying to find somebody, go figure.


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